Vlahos, Dan. "The Praxis Management Document: A Case Study of Three Personal Uses Cases." Talk, New England Regional Developers Summit, 2021.

In late 2020 I began collaborating with the Greenfield, MA-based Facta Studio to redesign my personal/portfolio website. The final site adopts design cues from retail and editorial websites. The new custom-designed site provides a dynamic and sortable interface for the display of media, writing, projects, and ideas. The site launched just days before the presentation in March of 2021.

In this talk at the 2021 NERD Summit I presented a mini-case study of my new site—informed by notions of praxis. Along the way, I shared contextual research, influential ideas, tools, and approaches that helped shape the project. The presentation highlights three potential use-cases for the site.

The new site was inspired in part by an article written by Jessica Ivins in 2019. In her article on by A List Apart, Ivins describes a “Career Management Document” or “CMD.” In the article, Ivins makes a case for designers and other creative professionals to assemble, manage and track a “comprehensive collection of your résumé and portfolio content.”


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FILED IN: Design Research